IPS e.max®
With versatility, reliability and longevity in mind, e.max is unmatched in clinical success. With biocompatible lithium disilicate ingots, e.max offers optimized esthetic properties, creating restorations that offer true-to-natural results.
Flexural Strength
850 MPa
- Natural translucency
- Strength
- Wear-compatibility
- Excellent margin adaptation
- Biocompatibility
- Anterior: crowns, bridges and veneers
- Posterior: crowns and inlays/onlays
IPS e.max is not the same product as E2 (Empress 2). The microstructure of IPS e.max is different than E2. Of the IPS e.max Lithium Disilicate, 70% is the actual Lithium Disilicate crystal. E2 was only 60% Lithium Disilicate crystal, which accounts for the increased strength and full contour esthetics of IPS e.max.
Conventionally cemented or bonded